
Dear students,

As we have discussed in class, argumentative essay in final examination will follow point-by-point pattern. Though we did class exercise, I felt you need more guidance on this pattern. Therefore, to further your understanding, i am uploading samples of point-by-point pattern argumentative essay. The file file can be downloaded below. Happy studying.

Point-by-point pattern samples

Dear students,

This task carries 10% of total carry mark. Therefore, please do your best. What you need to do is that;

1. Firstly, download the instructions and presentation topics.

2. In group, go through all the listed topics for the presentation and choose one.

3. Research the materials for the selected topic.

4. Develop the topic into an outline with Introduction, Thesis Statement, Main Points ,Supporting Details and Conclusion.

5. Transfer the content into graphic presentation e.g. Powerpoint, Flash etc

6. Present the works on the fixed date.

Thank you and good luck

Presentatation topics and instructions

Dear students,

You can download the slides from the link for your reference.Thank you

Chapter 9 Argumentative Essay

Dear students,

Please download the question from the link below. Next, go through the questions and instructions. If you have any queries, please raise them during our meeting later. Thank you and good luck.

p/s Do not forget to attach the essay outline when submitting the completed assignment and please follow Model D of block pattern. You can refer to your text book for further explanation.

Assignment 2

Dear students,

Assignment 1 question can be downloaded from the link below. You just download and go through the question first. You can start researching and drafting your choice topic. If you have any queries, please raise them during the class next week. Thank you.

Assignment 1

p/s For assignment front page,please use the color which has been decided and include information such as assignment number, full name, UK number and program.thank you

Dear students,

Slides for both chapters can be downloaded form below link.

Chapter 3 & 8

dear students,

Notes from both chapters can be downloaded from below links. To download, just click the link and you will be transferred to download page.Just follow the intructions there to download the notes.Thank you

Chapter 1: Paragraph Structure

Chapter 4: Essay Structure